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OrderDynamics and Clients Interviewed in Canadian Retailer's Reinventing Retail Feature

The theme of the Spring edition of Canadian Retailer magazine - a magazine written and published by the Retail Council of Canada - is reinvention. And more specifically, how Canadian retailers are reinventing retail by evolving with the times and with the needs of their customers.

The Spring magazine explores some of the ways retailers are growing their operations to become more efficient, build on growth and successes, and enhance customer experiences. Within this feature is an article specific to eCommerce in Canada titled "How Canadian Retailers Are Changing E-Commerce".

The article outlines aggressive strategies and tactics leading Canadian retailers such as Harry Rosen, Henry's, Kitchen Stuff Plus, and others are running to drive sales and growth in the online retail world. The article also depicts the growth of the Canadian eCommerce industry in the last few years and includes interviews with OrderDynamics President Michael Turcsanyi and select OrderDynamics Clients.

This entire feature mirrors the overall theme of the Retail Council of Canada's 2012 Store Conference held in Toronto last week. Similar themes and progressions noted in the article were also a focus of Turcsanyi and the Conference eCommerce speaking panel which included senior leaders from Well.ca and theBay.com, and Roots Canada.

It's clear Canada is an emerging eCommerce market to both Canadian retailers and retailers abroad. The 2012 Store Conference, its two eCommerce panels, and this Canadian Retailer article are some of the many reminders of that.

Read the full article in Canadian Retailer.


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