The OrderDynamics Team wants to thank you for coming by our booth at Internet Retailer Web Design & Usability 2011 (IRWD), the only conference devoted to design and usability of ecommerce websites. The 3-day event was filled with great advice to help merchants re-platform with a new design or enhance their current website with the latest usability best practices. UXER Design delivered one-on-one website usability advice for many of the people who came by our booth and will be following up with you. Gproxy Design exhibited at the show for the first time and had a great theme of how they help their clients "score goals" complete with soccer balls and a net!

For those of you that are considering a new platform to go along with a fresh design, please give us a call to discuss how OrderDynamics powers custom designs and partners with you grow sales on our platform.
The OrderDynamics Team
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