For the first year, OrderDynamics will be attending the Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition from June 15th to 18th at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.
Come see us at booth 1024 - See Booth Floor Plan
The IRCE 2009 Conference Content
IRCE 2009 is a four-day conference featuring 179 speakers in 94 sessions devoted to the strategies and tools that e-retailers can use to thrive in a recession that pulls the rest of retailing down. Hence the theme: Rising Above—Not Just Surviving—the Economic Storm. The agenda, which has fewer general sessions than last year and many more specific breakout sessions and tracks that are targeted to specific e-retailer needs, includes the following:
IRCE 2009 Agenda Summary
Day One (June 15) features two concurrent day-long workshops:
- Search Engine Marketing: Strategies for a more competitive market.
- Survival Guide for Small E-Retailers.
Day Two (June 16) marks the start of the general conference and features:
General Session (8:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.):
- State of the Industry: How E-Retailing Can Shine in A Gloomy Economy
- Technology Track: Finding Cost-Effective Web Technologies
- Retail Chain Track: Making the Web the Driver of the Chain
- Web Design & Merchandising Track: Making a Hot Site at a Cool Cost
- Small Retailer Track A: How Low-Budget Operators Can Have Big-Time Success
Day Three (June 17) contains a full day of breakout sessions in four tracks
General Sessions (8:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.)
- Marketing Track: What Marketing Works Best in a Recession.
- Operations Track: How to Cut Costs While Increasing Conversions
- Measuring Success: How Understanding Web Metrics Creates Online Success
- Small Retailer Track B: Efficient Ways to Attract New Web Shoppers
Day Four (June 18) features two concurrent day-long workshops:
- Capitalizing on the M-Commerce Boom
- Diving Deep Into E-Mail Marketing
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